Mindfulness To Stay Calm & Stop Hustling


How to Stay Calm and Connected In a World Obsessed With Hustling

Ever wonder when all the hustling will end? Sick of feeling like you’re caught in a whirlwind of constant motion, surrounded by people racing to keep up with the Joneses and the never-ending quest for more, more, more? Yeah, it’s a bit much, isn’t it? Well, take a deep breath, because, in this blog post, we will explore the art of staying calm when the world around you is consumed by the hustle.

The antidote (you’ve probably already guessed) is mindfulness. This practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment helps us to disconnect from the ‘rat race’ and stay connected to those things — and people — that matter most to us. Inside this post, you’ll discover four mindfulness techniques that you can start to implement and see rewards almost overnight.

[VIDEO] How To Stop Hustling & Stay Connected with Psychologist Jessica

Prefer to watch a video? Click the link below to watch as Body & Mind psychologist, Jessica shares how to stop hustling and stay connected. For best viewing, watch it in full screen. Alternatively, you can watch or listen to the video on Facebook here.

Disclaimer: The information shared within this article and video is not a replacement for professional help. If you, or someone you know, is in a crisis, please reach out to one of the 24/7 helplines listed below: 

– Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
– Lifeline: 13 11 14
– Open Arms: 1800-011-046

What is Hustling and Hustle Culture?

Hustle culture is our society’s emphasis on constant activity and busyness. It’s the glorification of a fast-paced lifestyle, with a major emphasis on productivity and achievement over intrinsic value and worth. 

To recognise hustle culture in your workplace or with those around you, or to notice if you’re hustling yourself, watch out for these tell-tale signs:  

  1. Non-stop Multitasking: Juggling multiple tasks simultaneously without pause.
  1. Relentless Pursuit of Promotions: The unyielding quest for continuous career advancement.
  1. Reluctance to Take Time Off: Even when feeling under the weather, there’s a hesitancy to step back from work commitments.
  1. Blurry Work-Life Boundaries: A lack of clear distinctions between professional and personal life.
  2. Neglecting Self-Care: Basic needs such as food and breaks are often overlooked in the pursuit of perpetual productivity.

What Impact Does Hustling Have On Us?

It can be very easy to get caught up in the allure or pressure of hustling. If your workplace has a culture of celebrating the relentless pursuit of productivity over work-life balance, it may even feel like you don’t have a choice but to keep operating in the same manner. That’s why it’s important to take the time and recognise the impact that hustling can have on your well-being and relationships. 

Getting caught up in the pressure to excel, meet deadlines, and exceed expectations can lead to:

Elevated Stress Levels

The constant demand for productivity and achievement contributes to heightened stress levels. The never-ending pursuit of goals can create an environment where stress becomes a constant companion.


Hustle culture often leads to burnout—a state of physical and emotional exhaustion. The relentless pace can leave individuals feeling drained, depleted, and struggling to find the motivation to keep going.

Mental Health Conditions

Chronic stress, if left unchecked, can evolve into serious mental health conditions. Anxiety, depression, and related disorders may surface, highlighting the detrimental impact of an unrelenting focus on productivity over mental well-being.

Strained Relationships

The ripple effect of hustle culture extends beyond personal well-being and infiltrates our relationships. An imbalanced work-life arrangement can have profound effects on our connections with loved ones.

Limited Quality Time

A perpetual focus on work can result in limited and reduced quality time spent with family and friends. The moments that matter most become overshadowed by work commitments.

Emotional Neglect

Overlooking the emotional needs of partners, as well as our own, becomes a common casualty in the hustle culture. Emotional well-being takes a backseat to the demands of a hectic professional life.

Communication Breakdown

The constant hustle can lead to reduced communication and feelings of disconnect. Meaningful conversations and the sharing of experiences become casualties of an always-on, busy lifestyle.

Reduced Intimacy

The rush of the hustle often translates to a reduction in intimacy. Physical and emotional closeness can suffer as individuals grapple with the demands of their high-paced lives.

Unmet Expectations

The imbalance between work and personal life can result in unmet expectations, both within ourselves and in our relationships. This discrepancy can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction.

Inability to Unplug

The struggle to unplug and be fully present in the moment becomes a significant challenge. Constant connectivity to work inhibits the ability to enjoy life outside of professional obligations.

Strained Family Dynamics

The pressure of hustle culture can strain family dynamics, creating tension and discord within the household as priorities shift towards work rather than nurturing familial bonds.

Separation or Divorce

In extreme cases, the strain from hustle culture can lead to separation or divorce. The cumulative effects on mental health and relationships may result in irreparable damage.

Recognising the ramifications of hustle culture is the first step toward cultivating a healthier more balanced approach to life. 

So, what can we do to create a mindful lifestyle, while living in a hustle-focused world?

Practical Tips For Mindful Living In A Hustling-Focused World

If you’re familiar with any of our previous content, you know that we believe mindfulness is a powerful tool for staying calm in an otherwise hectic world. The more we can remain present and practice awareness, the more likely we are to make decisions that are aligned with our values, remain focused on what truly matters to us and maintain boundaries.

With that in mind, here are some practical and mindful techniques you can use to make space for rest and set a powerful example for those around you.

Technique #1: Prioritise Mindfulness Like Your Life Depends On It

First, select a manageable mindfulness practice.

Choose a simple and time-efficient mindfulness practice that aligns with your preferences. For instance, consider trying box breathing. (Don’t forget to explore our dedicated video on breathing techniques linked below for a helpful guide.)

Next, set regular reminders for yourself. 

Integrate mindfulness into your daily routine by setting reminders in your calendar or on your phone. Treat this practice with the same level of commitment you would give to a crucial meeting with a client or a scheduled doctor’s appointment.

Finally, choose to begin today and then maintain consistency.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment – start your mindfulness journey today. If, for any reason, you miss a day, don’t be discouraged. Acknowledge it and continue with your commitment. Consistency is the key, and each day is a new opportunity to nurture your well-being.

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Technique #2: Replace Hustling with Mindful Productivity

Learn to guard your time and mental well-being.

One practice is the art of time blocking. This strategy helps to safeguard not just your time but also your mental well-being. This practice can be a game-changer in managing your daily schedule effectively.

Then master the skill of task prioritisation and realistic goal setting.

Elevate your chances of long-term success by honing the skills of prioritising tasks and setting achievable goals. This strategic approach empowers you to navigate through your responsibilities with greater efficiency.

Dive into valuable resources that can amplify your time management skills.

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Finally, consider using time-organising apps. 

Embrace the digital realm to organize your time effectively. Apps like Todoist and Motion are powerful tools that can enhance your ability to manage and structure your tasks efficiently. They bring a touch of simplicity and clarity to your daily routine.

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Technique #3: Embrace the Power of the Pause

Ever catch yourself feeling overwhelmed or regretting saying “yes” to yet another commitment? It happens to the best of us, especially in a society that’s all about constant productivity. But here’s the thing – every time we overcommit to something, we’re getting closer to burning out. 

The solution? Consciously choosing to pause before saying yes or no. 

By taking a moment to step back, think, and assess any decision, yu reduce impulsivity and that almost habitual urge to say ‘yes’ to everything. 

Pausing first gives you the time and space needed to make sure you can take on the new challenge — without compromising your well-being or dropping the ball on other commitments you’ve already made. 

Think of it as a “thoughtful buffer”, making sure you’re not stretched too thin and maintaining that crucial balance between work and life commitments. 

And it’s not just for work either! 

Pause before RSVPing to personal events, committing to volunteer activities at your kids’ school, or even meeting up with a friend.

You might like to also observe what comes up for you during each pause and write about it in your journal or chat about it in your next session with your psychologist.

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Technique #4: Establish Your Boundaries (…and Honour Them!)

Maintaining a mindful work-life balance involves consciously managing your time and energy to prevent work from encroaching on your personal life. One essential aspect is the deliberate act of unplugging from work-related devices. This means creating designated periods where you disconnect from emails, calls, and other professional responsibilities. Unplugging is crucial for mental and emotional well-being, allowing you to recharge and focus on personal aspects of life. Just as overworking a muscle can lead to fatigue, constant connectivity without breaks can lead to burnout.

Start by establishing a specific time each day for disconnecting from work-related devices. This could involve setting a clear boundary in the evening or during dinner, designating it as a device-free period. 

Another option is to have a designated physical space for your phone, like placing it in a special box or basket when you arrive home. 

This intentional practice not only nurtures a healthier work-life balance but also presents a bonus benefit, particularly for those with kids. By visibly demonstrating the importance of unplugging, you’re setting a positive example for your children, showing them the value of boundaries and prioritising self-care.

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In the words of Brene Brown, “It takes courage to say yes to rest and play in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol.” 

Embracing downtime, being more mindful, and learning how to say no are not signs of weakness but courageous choices that will lead to more balance and peace. 

Although making these small changes might feel uncomfortable to start with, remember that the cost of remaining caught up in hustle culture, constantly striving and staying switched on 24/7 is too great. 

Prioritising your self-care extends beyond personal well-being and will positively impact your relationships, your family, and you might be surprised to discover that your productivity improves too. 

Finally, if you’d like to learn more about our mindfulness programs which include access to the World’s Happiest App, Calm, as well as regular consults with trained health professionals (like Jessica) click here.

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