Feeling more Alive

I’ve been in other mindfulness programs and learnt the strategies but had forgotten to utilise them. With this program not only have I learnt new strategies but remembered the old ones, and with the telephone conference with a psychologist, I am now heading to a better place and feeling more alive than I have in… Continue reading Feeling more Alive

Enormous Value

The program has provided the tools necessary to reframe the turbulence and pressures faced in my life. Family, service life, minimal ‘self care’ time and self-driven high performance expectations were slowly killing me and any chance of contentment. I’ve found the yoga, daily mindfulness audio clips and weekly 15-min chats with a psychologist to be… Continue reading Enormous Value

Amazing tools to help with mental load

I love how all the programs are online and allow me to do whatever class I feel like, at whatever time suits me and my family. Having all of these amazing tools to help with the mental load of (what we all endure) everyday, has been needed and a great help. Katherine B

Helps Me Feel Safe

The mindfulness programs and the fact that I can access a personal psychologist has helped me immensely. Having the call each week and to be able to have more if I need it has helped me to feel safe. I’m thankful that I have access to it and highly recommend it to all. Warrick H.

Peace of Mind

Having a psychologist contact me weekly, sometimes twice a week has been a godsend. Especially in tough times when I’ve not been able to get in to see someone face to face, I’ve had peace of mind that I will get a call from my psychologist. The benefits are unmeasurable. Angela O.